Monday, September 22, 2014

The quality of a company’s product in comparison to its great packaging.

No wonder why UBER is always hiring.  Last week a reporter on the radio was commenting on a Veteran’s employment fair and who was hiring. The reporter ended her comment by saying that UBER was present at the fair and hiring.  UBER is always hiring and they will continue to do so for the unforeseeable future because there are huge holes in UBER’s driver pool.  Once the drivers wise up to the sham that UBER has going they usually move on within the first couple of weeks of driving for UBER.  Attrition at UBER should not be a secret!  “New drivers beware.”

This weekend UBER was quite desperate in trying to entice drivers to hit the road and meet UBER’s passenger request.  Multiple text where sent out by UBER to the drivers this weekend telling them that the partners (drivers) saw huge demand (Surge X 4.5).  With UBER there is no consistency, not for the drivers or the passenger (only UBER Wins).  Passengers continue to get gauged (surge pricing X ?) as drivers choose to do anything but drive for UBER.  Regulations need to be put in place to prevent UBER from poaching the transportation systems of the world.  Drivers need to wise up and take a stance against “The Big Bad Wolf” and say no to UBER’s abuse.  As long as the drivers continue to sell themselves cheaply the company will continue its abusive practice.

The only hope that UBER has in order to continue its present policies is that new drivers by the tens of thousands come on board on a monthly bases to fill the void of yesterday’s drivers that can’t continue to afford UBER’s greed and pay the 25 to 30% right to drive for UBER.  Many drivers are not happy with the partner split with UBER but even more will be unhappy come tax day next year as they realize that they owe the IRS a minimum of an additional 28%.

(This is what it really looks like):  $100 – 25% (UBER: $25) =  $75 – 28% (IRS:$21) = (Driver makes:) $54.00 on average for every $100 in fares and many will make less.

Earlier today we replied to a tweet regarding the quality of a company’s product in comparison to its great packaging.  UBER is one of these companies that sells a good package but the product from a drivers stand point does not live up to their expectations.  The concept is outstanding, but as with many well intended concepts once the reality of the profit potential supersedes the benefits of the product the market from both (internal) the drivers and (external) the consumer begin to look at the cost of the opportunity.  UBER’s arrogance and greed is leaving them blind to the fact that people are the most important resource any company has.  If they don’t change their ways soon competition is entering the market and their policies may be more favorable to the resources UBER takes for granted.  I love competition it levels the playing field and provides choices for both the internal and external clients of the company.

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